Stuck In Time

'Stuck In Time', 2018

A young Indigenous Australian man, recently released from prison with lifetime parole, shares his story and struggles as he readjusts to life on the outside.

A young Indigenous Australian man, recently released from prison with lifetime parole, shares his story and struggles as he readjusts to life on the outside.




15 minutes






tv mini series, australian, youth, aboriginal

Movie poster image
Stuck In Time


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Aspect ratio

1.85 : 1




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A young Indigenous Australian man, recently released from prison with lifetime parole, shares his story and struggles as he readjusts to life on the outside.

It takes one wrong decision to find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Howie was 16 when he and four co-accused juveniles were charged with murder. Now 23 and recently released on lifetime parole, he shares his story and his struggles as he makes sense of life on the outside and what it means to be a young Aboriginal man in a society where indigenous men are dramatically over-represented in prisons. His tale is as confronting as it is hopeful, as he shares his fears, dreams and aspirations.


A young Indigenous Australian man, recently released from prison with lifetime parole, shares his story and struggles as he readjusts to life on the outside.


It takes one wrong decision to find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Howie was 16 when he and four co-accused juveniles were charged with murder. Now 23 and recently released on lifetime parole, he shares his story and his struggles as he makes sense of life on the outside and what it means to be a young Aboriginal man in a society where indigenous men are dramatically over-represented in prisons. His tale is as confronting as it is hopeful, as he shares his fears, dreams and aspirations.


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Cast & crew


John Birggs


Simone Deegan


Howard Rigney


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