The Business

'O Negócio', 2013

Karin, Magali and Luna are three call girls, who decide to apply some marketing knowledge on the world's oldest profession.

Karin, Magali and Luna are three call girls, who decide to apply some marketing knowledge on the world's oldest profession.




51 minutes




Comedy, Drama


female frontal nudity, cheating girlfriend, infidelity, focus group, explicit sex

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The Business


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Karin, Magali and Luna are three call girls, who decide to apply some marketing knowledge on the world's oldest profession.

Marketing is the soul of any business. When Karin finds her career is at a crossroads, she joins forces with Luna and Magali to make big changes in their chosen profession. These three women decided to go into the oldest profession in the world while benefiting from modern marketing. They become escorts, who are ready to act like business women. The series THE BUSINESS describes how Karin swaps her old manager for two stunning female partners and sets out to build up her own substantial clientele. After all, every man is a potential customer. Using the same market tools as the major companies, the girls decide to take the marketing expression "Change desire into necessity" very seriously. In order to do this, they will apply various strategies, from making alliances with bridal stores to offer their services in bachelor parties, to deliver vouchers at airports to ease the discomfort of those experiencing delays in their flights. Their objective will be to ensure the loyalty of an ...


Karin, Magali and Luna are three call girls, who decide to apply some marketing knowledge on the world's oldest profession.


Marketing is the soul of any business. When Karin finds her career is at a crossroads, she joins forces with Luna and Magali to make big changes in their chosen profession. These three women decided to go into the oldest profession in the world while benefiting from modern marketing. They become escorts, who are ready to act like business women. The series THE BUSINESS describes how Karin swaps her old manager for two stunning female partners and sets out to build up her own substantial clientele. After all, every man is a potential customer. Using the same market tools as the major companies, the girls decide to take the marketing expression "Change desire into necessity" very seriously. In order to do this, they will apply various strategies, from making alliances with bridal stores to offer their services in bachelor parties, to deliver vouchers at airports to ease the discomfort of those experiencing delays in their flights. Their objective will be to ensure the loyalty of an ...


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Rafaela Mandelli


Juliana Schalch


Michelle Batista


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