She's the Man

'She's the Man', 2006

When her brother decides to ditch for a couple weeks, Viola heads over to his elite boarding school, disguised as him, and proceeds to fall for his school's star soccer player, and soon learns she's not the only one with romantic troubles.

When her brother decides to ditch for a couple weeks, Viola heads over to his elite boarding school, disguised as him, and proceeds to fall for his school's star soccer player, and soon learns she's not the only one with romantic troubles.


Andy Fickman


105 minutes




Comedy, Romance, Sport


love triangle, shorts, long hair, ponytail, miniskirt

Movie poster image
She's the Man

Andy Fickman, 2006

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Aspect ratio

1.85 : 1



Screening formats

35 mm (Kodak Vision 2383)


The Stinkers Bad Movie Awards



Most Annoying Fake Accent: Female

Stinker Award



Worst Actress

Razzie Award

Winner(s): Amanda Bynes



Worst On-Screen Hairstyle

Stinker Award


When her brother decides to ditch for a couple weeks, Viola heads over to his elite boarding school, disguised as him, and proceeds to fall for his school's star soccer player, and soon learns she's not the only one with romantic troubles.

Here's the thing! Viola's soccer team at Cornwall gets cut. She wants to join the boys' team, but they do not allow girls. So she thinks, "If you can't beat them, join them". So she does! She disguises herself as her twin brother, Sebastian and goes out for the rival school, Illyria Boys' Soccer Team and makes it. Unfortunately, she didn't plan falling in love with her roommate Duke. But Duke has his eyes on Olivia. What makes matters worse is that Olivia starts to fall for Sebastian because he/she has a sensitive side. If things couldn't get more problematic, the real Sebastian (who was in London working on his music) comes home early. He arrives on campus and has no clue that he was replaced by his twin sister.


When her brother decides to ditch for a couple weeks, Viola heads over to his elite boarding school, disguised as him, and proceeds to fall for his school's star soccer player, and soon learns she's not the only one with romantic troubles.


Here's the thing! Viola's soccer team at Cornwall gets cut. She wants to join the boys' team, but they do not allow girls. So she thinks, "If you can't beat them, join them". So she does! She disguises herself as her twin brother, Sebastian and goes out for the rival school, Illyria Boys' Soccer Team and makes it. Unfortunately, she didn't plan falling in love with her roommate Duke. But Duke has his eyes on Olivia. What makes matters worse is that Olivia starts to fall for Sebastian because he/she has a sensitive side. If things couldn't get more problematic, the real Sebastian (who was in London working on his music) comes home early. He arrives on campus and has no clue that he was replaced by his twin sister.


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Cast & crew


Amanda Bynes


Laura Ramsey


Channing Tatum




Ewan Leslie


Karen McCullah


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