The Pursuit of Happyness

'The Pursuit of Happyness', 2006

A struggling salesman takes custody of his son as he's poised to begin a life-changing professional career.

A struggling salesman takes custody of his son as he's poised to begin a life-changing professional career.


Gabriele Muccino


117 minutes






motivational, passion, hardwork, american dream, internship

Movie poster image
The Pursuit of Happyness

Gabriele Muccino, 2006

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Aspect ratio

2.35 : 1



Screening formats

35 mm (anamorphic)


The Stinkers Bad Movie Awards



Most Overrated Film

Stinker Award


A struggling salesman takes custody of his son as he's poised to begin a life-changing professional career.

Based on a true story about a man named Christopher Gardner. Gardner has invested heavily in a device known as a "bone density scanner". He feels like he has it made selling these devices. However, they do not sell well as they are marginally better than x-ray at a much higher price. As Gardner works to make ends meet, his wife leaves him and he loses his apartment. Forced to live out in the streets with his son, Gardner continues to sell bone density scanners while concurrently taking on an unpaid internship as a stockbroker, with slim chances for advancement to a paid position. Before he can receive pay, he needs to outshine the competition through 6 months of training, and to sell his devices to stay afloat.


A struggling salesman takes custody of his son as he's poised to begin a life-changing professional career.


Based on a true story about a man named Christopher Gardner. Gardner has invested heavily in a device known as a "bone density scanner". He feels like he has it made selling these devices. However, they do not sell well as they are marginally better than x-ray at a much higher price. As Gardner works to make ends meet, his wife leaves him and he loses his apartment. Forced to live out in the streets with his son, Gardner continues to sell bone density scanners while concurrently taking on an unpaid internship as a stockbroker, with slim chances for advancement to a paid position. Before he can receive pay, he needs to outshine the competition through 6 months of training, and to sell his devices to stay afloat.


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Cast & crew


Will Smith


Thandie Newton


Jaden Smith




Steve Conrad


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