Falcon Crest

'Sahin Tepesi', 2018

It is about the impossible love of the young people of the two families who have hostility among themselves.

It is about the impossible love of the young people of the two families who have hostility among themselves.




120 minutes




Romance, Action, Drama


love, flashback, past, hate, feud

Movie poster image
Falcon Crest


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Aspect ratio

16:9 HD




Turkey Youth Awards



Best Supporting TV Actress

Golden Star

Winner(s): Leyla Tanlar



Best TV Actress

Golden Star

Winner(s): Aybüke Pusat


It is about the impossible love of the young people of the two families who have hostility among themselves.

The war of justice and power between two women who have stolen from each other's lives - The battle two young persons have to give for their love in the midst of this war - The big secret left behind a death - Melek (Ebru Özkan) falling into Tuna's (Zerrin Tekindor) trap, with whom she grew up, was accused of a crime she didn't do and was kicked away from the house by her father and deprived of the inheritance. Years later when she returns to attend her father's funeral, she is a widow with two adult children. Her young love Demir (Murat Aygen) married with Tuna and they have as well two children. Her father's will will be a big surprise not only for Melek who was struggling with two children inside debts but for Tuna too. Melek, forgiven now by her father has a right in the inheritance. Tuna who loves her husband obsessively, while worried she might lose Demir and also the fortune she owns, she is scared the most that Melek might discover the secret left behind Melek's father's death...


It is about the impossible love of the young people of the two families who have hostility among themselves.


The war of justice and power between two women who have stolen from each other's lives - The battle two young persons have to give for their love in the midst of this war - The big secret left behind a death - Melek (Ebru Özkan) falling into Tuna's (Zerrin Tekindor) trap, with whom she grew up, was accused of a crime she didn't do and was kicked away from the house by her father and deprived of the inheritance. Years later when she returns to attend her father's funeral, she is a widow with two adult children. Her young love Demir (Murat Aygen) married with Tuna and they have as well two children. Her father's will will be a big surprise not only for Melek who was struggling with two children inside debts but for Tuna too. Melek, forgiven now by her father has a right in the inheritance. Tuna who loves her husband obsessively, while worried she might lose Demir and also the fortune she owns, she is scared the most that Melek might discover the secret left behind Melek's father's death...


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Cast & crew


Zerrin Tekindor


Ebru Özkan


Boran Kuzum


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