Lucky Fish

'Lucky Fish', 2018

The past 22nd of July, six players played a remarkable poker hand. Their goal was to compete with each other and win as much money as they could. However only one of them managed to leave the table as a winner. Was it skill?

The past 22nd of July, six players played a remarkable poker hand. Their goal was to compete with each other and win as much money as they could. However only one of them managed to leave the table as a winner. Was it skill?


7 minutes




Short, Drama


card game, experimental, poker, texas hold 'em

Movie poster image
Lucky Fish

Philippe Bensadon, 2018

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The past 22nd of July, six players played a remarkable poker hand. Their goal was to compete with each other and win as much money as they could. However only one of them managed to leave the table as a winner. Was it skill?

The past 22nd of July, six players played a remarkable poker hand. Their goal was to compete with each other and win as much money as they could. However only one of them managed to leave the table as a winner. Was it skill?


The past 22nd of July, six players played a remarkable poker hand. Their goal was to compete with each other and win as much money as they could. However only one of them managed to leave the table as a winner. Was it skill?


The past 22nd of July, six players played a remarkable poker hand. Their goal was to compete with each other and win as much money as they could. However only one of them managed to leave the table as a winner. Was it skill?


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Cast & crew


Brandon Jme Amaltov


Sam Aronow


Rick Hardy



Philippe Bensadon


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