The Best City is No City At All

'Die beste Stadt ist keine Stadt', 2019

A young man, sitting on a rusty hangar, playing his guitar. An abandoned wooden church, no longer needed, relocating to the outskirts of an urban expansion area for cultural interim usage. Nursery school children in a chair circle telling each other what they are NOT doing. In his essay film Die beste Stadt ist keine Stadt (The best city is no city at all), Christoph Schwarz mixes multiple perspectives on Vienna's largest urban expansion area.

A young man, sitting on a rusty hangar, playing his guitar. An abandoned wooden church, no longer needed, relocating to the outskirts of an urban expansion area for cultural interim usage. Nursery school children in a chair circle telling each other what they are NOT doing. In his essay film Die beste Stadt ist keine Stadt (The best city is no city at all), Christoph Schwarz mixes multiple perspectives on Vienna's largest urban expansion area.


15 minutes





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The Best City is No City At All

Christoph Schwarz, 2019

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VIS Vienna Independent Shorts



Best Film

Austrian Competition


A young man, sitting on a rusty hangar, playing his guitar. An abandoned wooden church, no longer needed, relocating to the outskirts of an urban expansion area for cultural interim usage. Nursery school children in a chair circle telling each other what they are NOT doing. In his essay film Die beste Stadt ist keine Stadt (The best city is no city at all), Christoph Schwarz mixes multiple perspectives on Vienna's largest urban expansion area.

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A young man, sitting on a rusty hangar, playing his guitar. An abandoned wooden church, no longer needed, relocating to the outskirts of an urban expansion area for cultural interim usage. Nursery school children in a chair circle telling each other what they are NOT doing. In his essay film Die beste Stadt ist keine Stadt (The best city is no city at all), Christoph Schwarz mixes multiple perspectives on Vienna's largest urban expansion area.


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