Fish Like Us

'Fische', 2020

As part of an unusual farewell ritual, two siblings end up at a Chinese restaurant. Both feel guilty after the recent death of their mother and find it difficult to broach the subject. At another table a father improves his daughter's homework, at the next a date goes wrong, and somewhere in between, the server's collar bursts. Though the tables are close together, the siblings hardly notice the little dramas taking place.

As part of an unusual farewell ritual, two siblings end up at a Chinese restaurant. Both feel guilty after the recent death of their mother and find it difficult to broach the subject. At another table a father improves his daughter's homework, at the next a date goes wrong, and somewhere in between, the server's collar bursts. Though the tables are close together, the siblings hardly notice the little dramas taking place.


Raphaela Schmid


17 minutes





Movie poster image
Fish Like Us

Raphaela Schmid, 2020

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VIS Vienna Independent Shorts



Austrian Competition

Jury Prize


As part of an unusual farewell ritual, two siblings end up at a Chinese restaurant. Both feel guilty after the recent death of their mother and find it difficult to broach the subject. At another table a father improves his daughter's homework, at the next a date goes wrong, and somewhere in between, the server's collar bursts. Though the tables are close together, the siblings hardly notice the little dramas taking place.

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As part of an unusual farewell ritual, two siblings end up at a Chinese restaurant. Both feel guilty after the recent death of their mother and find it difficult to broach the subject. At another table a father improves his daughter's homework, at the next a date goes wrong, and somewhere in between, the server's collar bursts. Though the tables are close together, the siblings hardly notice the little dramas taking place.


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