A Man Leaning

'L'Homme qui penche', 2020

A film based on a diary written by Thierry Metz (1956–1997), a renowned French poet, in an alcohol rehab clinic a year before he committed suicide. A melancholic portrayal drawing on the writer's tragic private life and intimate poetry. Metz's lines are underscored by a slow train of images of construction workers building houses, treetops swaying in the wind, patients smoking behind the walls of the clinic. The film leads us through Thierry's private history, including the death of his son and the agony of his addiction – through the pain that results in desire to end it all.

A film based on a diary written by Thierry Metz (1956–1997), a renowned French poet, in an alcohol rehab clinic a year before he committed suicide. A melancholic portrayal drawing on the writer's tragic private life and intimate poetry. Metz's lines are underscored by a slow train of images of construction workers building houses, treetops swaying in the wind, patients smoking behind the walls of the clinic. The film leads us through Thierry's private history, including the death of his son and the agony of his addiction – through the pain that results in desire to end it all.


94 minutes





Movie poster image
A Man Leaning

Marie-Violaine Brincard, Olivier Dury, 2020

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Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival



Special Mention

Opus Bonum


A film based on a diary written by Thierry Metz (1956–1997), a renowned French poet, in an alcohol rehab clinic a year before he committed suicide. A melancholic portrayal drawing on the writer's tragic private life and intimate poetry. Metz's lines are underscored by a slow train of images of construction workers building houses, treetops swaying in the wind, patients smoking behind the walls of the clinic. The film leads us through Thierry's private history, including the death of his son and the agony of his addiction – through the pain that results in desire to end it all.

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A film based on a diary written by Thierry Metz (1956–1997), a renowned French poet, in an alcohol rehab clinic a year before he committed suicide. A melancholic portrayal drawing on the writer's tragic private life and intimate poetry. Metz's lines are underscored by a slow train of images of construction workers building houses, treetops swaying in the wind, patients smoking behind the walls of the clinic. The film leads us through Thierry's private history, including the death of his son and the agony of his addiction – through the pain that results in desire to end it all.


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