Wolves at the Borders

'Vlci na hranicích', 2020

The Broumov region owes its genius loci to - among other things - wolves. After more than two hundred years, they began reappearing in the local forests. Some locals welcome their return. They believe they can restore the natural balance and mitigate the effects of the catastrophic drought. Sheep and livestock farmers, on the other hand, see these wild animals as a threat to their livelihoods. They do not intend to bow down to an invisible enemy. Martin Páv stands as an impartial observer in the middle of an increasingly heated dispute. His visually captivating documentary shows how the landscape and the human desire for its control are also inextricably imprinted on interpersonal relationships and politics.

The Broumov region owes its genius loci to - among other things - wolves. After more than two hundred years, they began reappearing in the local forests. Some locals welcome their return. They believe they can restore the natural balance and mitigate the effects of the catastrophic drought. Sheep and livestock farmers, on the other hand, see these wild animals as a threat to their livelihoods. They do not intend to bow down to an invisible enemy. Martin Páv stands as an impartial observer in the middle of an increasingly heated dispute. His visually captivating documentary shows how the landscape and the human desire for its control are also inextricably imprinted on interpersonal relationships and politics.


Martin Páv


80 minutes





Movie poster image
Wolves at the Borders

Martin Páv, 2020

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Czech Republic

Country of filming

Czech Republic




Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival



Special Mention

Czech Joy


Wolves are back. They bring along both fear and hope. Do they still have place in our nature?

The Broumov region owes its genius loci to - among other things - wolves. After more than two hundred years, they began reappearing in the local forests. Some locals welcome their return. They believe they can restore the natural balance and mitigate the effects of the catastrophic drought. Sheep and livestock farmers, on the other hand, see these wild animals as a threat to their livelihoods. They do not intend to bow down to an invisible enemy. Martin Páv stands as an impartial observer in the middle of an increasingly heated dispute. His visually captivating documentary shows how the landscape and the human desire for its control are also inextricably imprinted on interpersonal relationships and politics.

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The Broumov region owes its genius loci to - among other things - wolves. After more than two hundred years, they began reappearing in the local forests. Some locals welcome their return. They believe they can restore the natural balance and mitigate the effects of the catastrophic drought. Sheep and livestock farmers, on the other hand, see these wild animals as a threat to their livelihoods. They do not intend to bow down to an invisible enemy. Martin Páv stands as an impartial observer in the middle of an increasingly heated dispute. His visually captivating documentary shows how the landscape and the human desire for its control are also inextricably imprinted on interpersonal relationships and politics.


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Wolves are back. They bring along both fear and hope. Do they still have place in our nature?

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