Another Round

'Druk', 2020

Once the brightest teacher at his high school, Martin (Mads Mikkelsen) has fallen into a seemingly permanent funk. At a birthday celebration, his three closest colleagues cajole teetotaller Martin into having a celebratory drink. That's when the troublemaker of the group, Nikolaj (Magnus Millang), tells them about an obscure philosopher who says humans aren't born with enough alcohol in their blood. As an “experiment,” he proposes they all drink constantly throughout the day — but only on work day and not after 8 p.m. — to maintain the “proper” blood-alcohol level of 0.05 percent. Initially they feel great. A reinvigorated Martin begins to engage with his students and shocks his long-suffering wife, Trine (Maria Bonnevie), with his newfound zest. But as the gang pushes their experiment further, the men begin to experience serious problems, from erratic behavior to an inability to limit their intake.

Once the brightest teacher at his high school, Martin (Mads Mikkelsen) has fallen into a seemingly permanent funk. At a birthday celebration, his three closest colleagues cajole teetotaller Martin into having a celebratory drink. That's when the troublemaker of the group, Nikolaj (Magnus Millang), tells them about an obscure philosopher who says humans aren't born with enough alcohol in their blood. As an “experiment,” he proposes they all drink constantly throughout the day — but only on work day and not after 8 p.m. — to maintain the “proper” blood-alcohol level of 0.05 percent. Initially they feel great. A reinvigorated Martin begins to engage with his students and shocks his long-suffering wife, Trine (Maria Bonnevie), with his newfound zest. But as the gang pushes their experiment further, the men begin to experience serious problems, from erratic behavior to an inability to limit their intake.


117 minutes





Movie poster image
Another Round

Thomas Vinterberg, 2020

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General Information




Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden




European Film Awards



European Film



Best Director

Winner(s): Thomas Vinterberg



Best European Director

Winner(s): Thomas Vinterberg



Best European Actor

Winner(s): Mads Mikkelsen



Best European Screenwriter

Winner(s): Tobias Lindholm


Once the brightest teacher at his high school, Martin (Mads Mikkelsen) has fallen into a seemingly permanent funk. At a birthday celebration, his three closest colleagues cajole teetotaller Martin into having a celebratory drink. That's when the troublemaker of the group, Nikolaj (Magnus Millang), tells them about an obscure philosopher who says humans aren't born with enough alcohol in their blood. As an “experiment,” he proposes they all drink constantly throughout the day — but only on work day and not after 8 p.m. — to maintain the “proper” blood-alcohol level of 0.05 percent. Initially they feel great. A reinvigorated Martin begins to engage with his students and shocks his long-suffering wife, Trine (Maria Bonnevie), with his newfound zest. But as the gang pushes their experiment further, the men begin to experience serious problems, from erratic behavior to an inability to limit their intake.

Four friends, all high school teachers, test a theory that they will improve their lives by maintaining a constant level of alcohol in their blood.


Once the brightest teacher at his high school, Martin (Mads Mikkelsen) has fallen into a seemingly permanent funk. At a birthday celebration, his three closest colleagues cajole teetotaller Martin into having a celebratory drink. That's when the troublemaker of the group, Nikolaj (Magnus Millang), tells them about an obscure philosopher who says humans aren't born with enough alcohol in their blood. As an “experiment,” he proposes they all drink constantly throughout the day — but only on work day and not after 8 p.m. — to maintain the “proper” blood-alcohol level of 0.05 percent. Initially they feel great. A reinvigorated Martin begins to engage with his students and shocks his long-suffering wife, Trine (Maria Bonnevie), with his newfound zest. But as the gang pushes their experiment further, the men begin to experience serious problems, from erratic behavior to an inability to limit their intake.


Four friends, all high school teachers, test a theory that they will improve their lives by maintaining a constant level of alcohol in their blood.


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Cast & crew


Mads Mikkelsen (Martin)



Tobias Lindholm


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