Mission: Hebron

'HaMesima Hevron', 2020

Why do Israeli soldiers hate enforcing lockdowns, but just love the smell of a Molotov cocktail? How old was the youngest kid they ever arrested, and what happened to him next? These, and other questions, are honestly answered by six Israeli ex-soldiers who served in Hebron during the last couple of years. Including rare cell-phone footage, captured by local witnesses, Mission: Hebron offers an unflinching guide to the most troubled city in the occupied West Bank.

Why do Israeli soldiers hate enforcing lockdowns, but just love the smell of a Molotov cocktail? How old was the youngest kid they ever arrested, and what happened to him next? These, and other questions, are honestly answered by six Israeli ex-soldiers who served in Hebron during the last couple of years. Including rare cell-phone footage, captured by local witnesses, Mission: Hebron offers an unflinching guide to the most troubled city in the occupied West Bank.


Rona Segal


22 minutes






Israeli soldiers, Molotov cocktail, lockdowns, arrested, Israeli ex-soldiers, troubled city

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Mission: Hebron

Rona Segal, 2020

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Hebron offers an unflinching guide to the most troubled city in the occupied West Bank.

Why do Israeli soldiers hate enforcing lockdowns, but just love the smell of a Molotov cocktail? How old was the youngest kid they ever arrested, and what happened to him next? These, and other questions, are honestly answered by six Israeli ex-soldiers who served in Hebron during the last couple of years. Including rare cell-phone footage, captured by local witnesses, Mission: Hebron offers an unflinching guide to the most troubled city in the occupied West Bank.

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Why do Israeli soldiers hate enforcing lockdowns, but just love the smell of a Molotov cocktail? How old was the youngest kid they ever arrested, and what happened to him next? These, and other questions, are honestly answered by six Israeli ex-soldiers who served in Hebron during the last couple of years. Including rare cell-phone footage, captured by local witnesses, Mission: Hebron offers an unflinching guide to the most troubled city in the occupied West Bank.


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Hebron offers an unflinching guide to the most troubled city in the occupied West Bank.

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