The Chicken Party

'The Chicken Party', 2018

Two Japanese sisters come to Los Angeles for the first time, during their travels they are invited to a Chicken Party, a place to make international friends. At first the party is nice and ...

Two Japanese sisters come to Los Angeles for the first time, during their travels they are invited to a Chicken Party, a place to make international friends. At first the party is nice and ...


103 minutes






tape over mouth, los angeles california

Movie poster image
The Chicken Party

Carlos R. Valencia, 2018

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Two Japanese sisters come to Los Angeles for the first time, during their travels they are invited to a Chicken Party, a place to make international friends. At first the party is nice and ...

Two Japanese sisters come to Los Angeles for the first time, during their travels they are invited to a Chicken Party, a place to make international friends. At first the party is nice and fun, but by the end of the night it turns into a nightmare and the sister must get out before they are killed.


Two Japanese sisters come to Los Angeles for the first time, during their travels they are invited to a Chicken Party, a place to make international friends. At first the party is nice and ...


Two Japanese sisters come to Los Angeles for the first time, during their travels they are invited to a Chicken Party, a place to make international friends. At first the party is nice and fun, but by the end of the night it turns into a nightmare and the sister must get out before they are killed.


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Cast & crew


Megumi Kabe


Ami Shimada


Schafer Bourne



Carlos R. Valencia


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