The Definition of Insanity

'The Definition of Insanity', 2004

Robert is an actor who may or may not be himself in this film about acting, aging and the dark side of ambition. Filmed over the course of 18 months, as a documentary crew follows Robert ...

Robert is an actor who may or may not be himself in this film about acting, aging and the dark side of ambition. Filmed over the course of 18 months, as a documentary crew follows Robert ...


85 minutes




Comedy, Drama


theater, acting, actor, auditioning, audition

Movie poster image
The Definition of Insanity

Frank Matter, Robert Margolis, 2004

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General Information



Aspect ratio

1.78 : 1


Color | Black and White

Screening formats

35 mm


Swiss American Film Festival, US



Audience Award


Robert is an actor who may or may not be himself in this film about acting, aging and the dark side of ambition. Filmed over the course of 18 months, as a documentary crew follows Robert ...

Robert is an actor who may or may not be himself in this film about acting, aging and the dark side of ambition. Filmed over the course of 18 months, as a documentary crew follows Robert from one failed audition to another, recording in raw detail his every humiliation and small triumph as he searches for that elusive perfect role that will catapult his career into the next level. His vaunting optimism leaps one step ahead of a very real desperation. When he finally scores his dream role in a film directed by the Peter Bogdanovich, his life has reached a profound point of change - though what exactly will that change be?


Robert is an actor who may or may not be himself in this film about acting, aging and the dark side of ambition. Filmed over the course of 18 months, as a documentary crew follows Robert ...


Robert is an actor who may or may not be himself in this film about acting, aging and the dark side of ambition. Filmed over the course of 18 months, as a documentary crew follows Robert from one failed audition to another, recording in raw detail his every humiliation and small triumph as he searches for that elusive perfect role that will catapult his career into the next level. His vaunting optimism leaps one step ahead of a very real desperation. When he finally scores his dream role in a film directed by the Peter Bogdanovich, his life has reached a profound point of change - though what exactly will that change be?


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Cast & crew


Robert Margolis


Kelli Barnett


Peter Bogdanovich





Robert Margolis


Frank Matter


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